Welsh Ponies

To book online CLICK HERE

The information that you provide when making your class entries will be used to produce the show day catalogue.  Please take care 
with your entry information to ensure the details are complete, correct and use upper and lower case characters as appropriate 
to ensure your entries are accurately displayed in the show day catalogue.

Judged by Ms Vicky Joy, Ashburton, Devon

Entry Fee: £8.00        

Prize money:  1st - £20;  2nd - £15;  3rd - £10  

Mark Westaway & Son, producers of Horsehage & Mollichaff, have kindly sponsored Class 231

Special Prizes        
H29 The Singmore Perpetual Cup presented by Miss V Joy for the Best Exhibit in classes 231-233 
H29A The Cannamore Camping Perpetual Cup for the best exhibit in classes 234-236  

© Totnes & District Show Society | Registered Charity Number 1147998